Thursday, February 14, 2019

Happy Haunting - Spooky Ol' Tree with Sparkly Spider

Here's part of today's project. Something new for the Halloween crowd. There are small cut-outs for a battery powered light to shine thru and a jumping spider hinging from a metal wire.

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Slip-Cast Ceramic Molds

All of my ceramics are handmade at home. I pour the molds on a pour-table on our driveway. Here you see the molds cracked open for my large 19" Frankie, 16" Jack Snowman, 16" Dracula (face down to protect his eyes from the light), and the Mummy is also 16" tall. Keep checking to see further updates on these pieces and sneak peaks on my new pieces for Fall 2019.

Humble Beginnings in 1981.

I bought my first ceramics from the King Norman's children's store at the Fremont Hub in 1981. Jeff and I made all of our ornaments for our first Christmas tree together. I have come a long way since this original piece which now hangs on my daughter's family Christmas tree.

My Creative Ceramic Creations in Progress

Jeff comes home form work and takes pictures of my work in progress. So many of you have seen my final products at shows and I thought you'd enjoy seeing my workspace.